April was a busy and intense month , the pacific fire belt has been much talk , some earthquakes have occurred,  have left nervousness, pitiful damage and victims in their wake. There are many who are trying to understand this process , but it is complex .

Understanding mathematics and statistics is always easier to understand nature so I have compiled some information to offer you .

In this April the world suffered 841 earthquakes , releasing the energy equivalent of 18 Megatons , What is a Megaton?,  Is the energy released by the explosion of a bomb made of a ton of dynamite,  that is, more or less, 2000 pounds of  TNT.

Globally, there was 1 earthquake higher than Ms.8, 6 earthquakes  higher than Ms.7, 19 earthquakes higher than Ms.6,  200 earthquakes greater than MS.5 and 620 earthquakes greater than Ms.4 . The 65 % of the seismic energy released globally, was freed by the  Chilean earthquake in Iquique.

From all this energy that was released worldwide in April , Chile has the world’s first place with the 76 %  release of seismic energy, this is almost 14 Megatons . Besides the 8.3 earthquake , was another important earthquake of 7.7 and were accompanied by 226 earthquakes over several magnitudes.

New Guinea took the world’s second  place in energy released, beacuse there were, in the vicinity of this place, 4 major earthquakes greater than Ms.7 , (7.6 ,  7.5,  7.4,  7.1) , additionally there were 121 more earthquakes, all of them are equivalent to a explosion of 4 tons of TNT ( Megatons ) .

Mexico also had an earthquake of 7.2 in magnitude, which  was important but fortunately liberated energy level did not exceed 0.4% of Megaton .

Nicaragua trembled with an earthquake of 6.6 and other of 6.1. There were earthquakes in Peru , (7 earthquakes higher than  Ms. 4). There were earthquakes in Argentina , a slightly unusual place for the occurrence of these events as it is quite far from the subduction zone , however had an earthquake of 5 and 8 earthquakes greater than 4 degrees.

The information is gathered from U.S. Geological Survey , USGS, it does a wonderful job in collecting seismic data as well as many other centers in Latin America. I have worked with USGS data for its perennial efforts made by exposing their results . To perform this type of work it is important to have access to a reliable data.

Seismic reactivation proposed in 2000 is demonstrated by the facts , likewise I explained that this would last until about 2015 , I think this is the last part of this step , then the planet will settle , so did the early twentieth century .